Hello Everyone,
Today we had fun at the farm! First we watched the sun set over the mountain and saw the last bright orange ball sink through our binoculars. We also had a chance to see a few animals in the trees!
Today we planted more seeds and looked at two different companion plants. FIrst, we discussed snap peas and their growing process. Then we talked about mizuna and the brassica family of plants (aburanaka). We compared seeds and discussed their differences.

Then we prepared an area to plant the seeds and discussed how to plant based on the seasons and the sun patterns. Since the peas grow more slowly through the winter than the mizuna, we planted the peas on the side facing the sun. By the time they get bigger, we will have already picked our mizuna.

We also planted some peas in pots of soil to bring home and try to grow. Please help your child water them regularly.

After it got dark, we returned to tide pool to play a game of GoFish, which is a fun English card game.
I hope you have a great week! See you soon!
Best regards,